With the right kind of help

every child can learn to read,

write and thrive

1 in 5 students

have dyslexia

Dyslexia makes up 80-90% of all learning disabililities

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Instructional Specialist Melina Carbajal talks about

the need for and results of Blosser’s O-G tutoring.

Dorothy Blosser founded the Blosser Center with a ​mission: to help ALL kid reach their full potential ​through literacy.

“She salvaged the hopes of countless children;

she encouraged their parents;

she educated their teachers;

she modeled exemplary teaching to their tutors.”

-- upon receiving the Samuel Torrey Orton Award, in recognition of her ​contributions to the field of dyslexia education

More about our Founder

Dorothy Blosser

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Meet Blosser Tutors

Our Tutors Make All The Difference

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We’d Love to Hear from You!


503 234-4060


1907 NE 45th Ave

Portland, OR 97212

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 18082

Portland, OR 97218

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Give the Gift of Literacy

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The Blosser Center is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization

(Tax ID: 93-1319640).

Your contribution is tax deductible

to the extent allowed by law.

Literacy is a gift that lasts a lifetime.